- Bites to share -

Homemade liver pâté
8.00 €

Pickled and raw vegetables from our garden, horseradish
and herb dip

6,00 €

Goat’s cheese filo pastry with honey from our beehives
and an apple-caramel sauce

8,00 €

- Starters -

Onion tart with onion and Calvados compote, thyme and onion mousse, spring onion and Parmesan biscuit

12,00 €

Cauliflower hummus, tahini, pickled vegetables, garden sprouts

12,00 €

- Starters/Mains -

Ceasar salad à la “Le Petit Jardin“


Sea bream tartare, shallot and samphire, fresh herbs from our garden, rose foam


- Mains -

Cauliflower steak marinated and cooked in butter and sumac, cottage goat’s cheese risotto, cauliflower stem reduced jus, soft-boiled egg, hazelnuts

18,00 €

Black seabream filet in a vegetable and verbena sauce, raw and cooked fennel, herb crisps and glazed radish from our garden

21,00 €

Duck breast, pistachio crust, garden peas, croutons and dried beef with grapefruit and pepper sauce

20,00 €

Burger with shredded beef chuck, raw vegetables, Normandie Tomme cheese, meat and soy jus
20,00 €
Lobster roll with coleslaw, cucumber pickles, lobster bisque mayonnaise
26,00 €

-  Sides to share -

Cocotte with slow-cooked seasonal vegetables for two people

 12,00 €

Homemade fries served with a seasoned mayonnaise


-  Le Trou Normand -

Homemade apple and sorrel sorbet with 6-year old Calvados from Domaine de la Flaguerie

5,00 €

- Cheese -

Baked camembert in Calvados to share with onion confit and toast

 14,00 €

- Desserts -

Cooked apricot in thyme, vanilla ganache, crispy flakes crumble

9,00 €

Strawberry tart, strawberry and verbena confit, vanilla mascarpone diplomate

9,00 €

Raspberry, crispy cacao, gavotte biscuit and raspberry confit, 64% chocolate cream

9,00 €

Coffee gourmand served with a selection of mignardises

12,00 €

Kid-sized portions of all dishes are also available with a -50% discount for children under 12 years old.

Net prices, includes service and VAT